Monday, July 13, 2015

Getting Geared up for a New School Year!!!

My life has been consumed lately by researching and budgeting this upcoming school year's curriculum...that's because this is the first time we're picking out our own stuff and not having it sent directly to us through a charter school!  Ahh!  It's a little intimidating!  BUT, it's so FREEING and EXCITING!  <--- Sorry, not sure why I felt the need to use so many caps just then...I can't promise it won't happen again ;)  We're still using a charter school this year to help pay for the nice!  and helpful!  But, we're doing our own thing.  We're so blessed to be connected to a school that will allow us to do that.  Here's what we've decided to use in case it's a help to anyone out there...I can't vouch for any of this curriculum yet, because it will be our first time using it, but I've done quite a bit of research so I'm hopeful it will work out great!

*As a disclaimer, I don't work for any of these other words, I get nothing out of sharing what curriculum we're using except to help others :)

MATH: Teaching Textbooks for my 5th and 6th graders.  DreamBox Math for my 2nd grader. (,

LANGUAGE ARTS:  Coverstory Writing for my 5th and 6th graders.  Reading Eggs for my 2nd grader, and Spelling you See for all three grades.  (,,

HISTORY:  I'm still researching this one, but it will most likely be U.S. History this year.

SCIENCE:  Real Science 4 Kids with the science kids. (

TECHNOLOGY:  Beginning Game Design for my 5th and 6th graders.  Beginning Engineering for my 2nd grader through

KARATE:  For my 6th grader (through a neighbor who teaches karate.)

VIOLIN:  For my 5th grader through Julie's Strings (she's on Facebook, and she's an awesome music teacher!).

I'm so excited for this blog to share what we're learning and what we're doing as a family!  I hope you enjoy discovering with us!